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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Unexpected Inspiration

One of the things I struggle with most in writing is finishing what I started. For some reason it is hard for me to write the end of a story once I've finished it in my head.

I love reading novels, but it's always been hard for me to find a book that can capture my attention long enough for me to finish. Most of the books I pick up are boring. And even if they turn out to be really cool, they start out boring so it takes forever for me to get to the cool parts. I don't remember how old I was when I decided to actually try to publish a novel, but I do remember thinking "I want to write something that'll catch people with the first few lines and carry them all the way to the end.

Now the thing I struggle with is finishing the books. I have a hundred and one good beginnings, a few middles here and there if the story was lucky enough, but no ending. There are lots of story plans lying around if you look in my room. They're not hard to find. I keep them in a binder marked "Outlines." And there are even more story ideas than I can count! Those are in a jar. But I have no finished novels. Nowhere.

Here's the problem. While I'm planning and writing this story, I come up with hundreds of different characters. Hundreds of different ideas and scenes to put them through. And for a long time, well into the writing process, I'll struggle with the end. I could be several chapters into the book and still have no idea where it's headed. When I find out what the ending is, the will to write the book completely disappears.

I told my mom this the other day. She told me it was selfish. That now I've filled MY need for good stories but no one else will ever be able to read them.

Kiki's really been helping me with this. With writing to the end and finishing stories to share with the world. She's been so supportive and encouraging. She told me once when I was blocked "You're thinking too much, Ash. Just let the words flow. Just start typing. It'll come to you." and it did! That was one of the best posts I've ever written for our stories!

She also told me once, a good writer writes all the time. Even if it's just one sentence every day I have to write. And that if you write one, it's easier to write another and another. Before you know it you've written a whole page and could keep going! She taught me that, and I wouldn't still be writing right now if it weren't for her. She's the best!!!

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