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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Best Friends

All my life, I have always been extremely close to my family. I consider my mom, sister, and grandma to be some of my closest friends. But looking back on my life up till now, I have to be honest in saying that I have not had many good friends outside my family. Of course, there have been the many BFFNs. Best Friends For Now. As long as you have something they want, they will stick by your side till the end...of your convenient services. And there have been many BFWYHs. Beast Friends While You're Here. But the minute you leave, whether it's leaving town or leaving the room, they've turned on you. Next thing you know, then entire world knows your secrets and your left friendless and exposed to ridicule. Welcome to middle school, by the way... That's about all you can expect from THAT crowd.

So it's safe to say my experience with friendships has been a rough one, but I have found a few friends. People who like what I like and enjoy being with me for the sake of being, and I with them. I can say now I have three friends who really fit that bill. Friends I can talk to for hours on the phone, and always depend on to be there when I need them. Even if they aren't close, an even though I miss them a lot, it's nice to know they'll always be around. But even those three aren't my best friend.

A best friend is someone who knows you better than any other friend ever has. She (or he) takes the time to learn you. Your likes and dislikes. Your ups and downs. How to tell when you're safe just from the sound of your voice or the lack of 'lol's in a text. A best friend is someone who will tell you the truth, even when it'll hurt. Who'll always be there for you, no matter what. A best friend is someone who loves you like family, and accepts every quirk and whim you have without question. You can be completely yourselves around each other and you love each other for it. A best friend understands you. And most importantly, a best friend is deserving of all of that from you too. The whole 'Be a friend to find a friend' thing is more true than you could imagine!

I have one best friend. And she's the greatest woman in the universe!! But we've never met. Like penpals, we met over the Internet. We were introduced by another girl. That was almost four years ago. When I met that girl, I never once in my life ever imagined she and I would be so close!! And yet here we are. She's the closest thing I have to a twin and I wouldn't trade her for the world!!!

My parents think its strange. They don't understand how two people could become so close and never have even met once. Well, I don't know exactly how it happened, but I'm gonna tell you. Step by step. Maybe somewhere along the way you'll figure it out with me. Then maybe you can try explaining it to my parents! Haha.

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